Samstag, 2. August 2014

Land of the rising sun

Land of the rising sun - timelapse movie from Todor Vankov on Vimeo.

Land of the rising sun" is a movie what i made in Japana in the summer of 2013.

I visited Tokyo, Funabashi, Kyoto, Hagata, Fukuoka, Aso, Miyazaki, Kagoshima, Sakurajima ... . The most of the seqences are made in Hakata, Fukuoka, Kyoto, Inari, Sakurajima, Tokyo, Kagoshima and Aso ( "sea of clouds" ).

You can see all my works hier on this Facebook Site :

We went to the volcano (Sakurajima) at the 19.08.2013. 2 howers befor the big eruption, we went to Miazaki so we wasnt there at the big eruption :). After we came back to Kagoshima at the night there was Volkano dast everywhere. I try to wright outher names at the street hahah :) .... so crasy :)
I used Nikon 7000 and just one objektive 18 - 70 mm.

Have a nice time :)

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